Modern HVAC Equipment, stuck in a 1990s Service Model

Your building's HVAC system can represents a significant investment that controls 40% of your energy costs. Yet while a $30 OBD scanner can predict your car's maintenance needs before they occur, most commercial HVAC systems are still being managed with decades-old practices from the 1990s.

Advanced Technology, Underutilized

Modern HVAC units contain sophisticated control boards capable of precise optimization. These microprocessors could fine-tune every aspect of your equipments staging but not performance. Most maintenance still relies on manual maintenance processes. The controllers do not enable the field technician to understand the sequence of how these controllers operate the units without reading a 100 page +  manual for that specific unit of that specific brand.

Beyond Basic Digital Tools

While these $787 devices offer some advantages, they don't provide true diagnostics. It still requires a technician to determine root cause and troubleshoot issues.

The Hidden Cost of Outdated Service

With today's variable speed HVAC technology, proper optimization can reduce energy consumption by up to $2,000 per unit annually. But technicians using dated service practices often miss these optimization opportunities, relying on basic measurements instead of fully utilizing the system's capabilities.

Introducing DigiMEP: Modern HVAC Management

DigiMEP represents a complete reimagining of HVAC service for 2024. Our solution:

  • Maximizes your system's built-in optimization capabilities (not just readings from tools)

  • Standardizes measurements and settings

  • Ensures consistent, efficient operation across all units

  • Transforms your HVAC service into a precision process

Time to Upgrade

While most businesses have modernized their operations, HVAC maintenance often lags decades behind. DigiMEP brings your building's essential systems into the 21st century, helping protect both your investment and operating costs.

Ready to optimize your building's performance? Contact us to learn more about modern HVAC management.


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HVAC Equipment Startups Done Right